Network Marketing Tip Checklist
10 Ideas for Home Based Business Success
Looking for the best network marketing tip? Are you serious about locating a corporation that can prove excellent business, company, and product results? Then the following checklist is for you!
I've been involved in a number of network marketing companies over the years. I would have avoided years of frustration had I just followed these helpful guidelines. Make sure the company you're looking at is able to answer "Yes" to every one of these questions, especially in the realm of MLM health.
1. Do they have a consumable cutting edge product, that employs real food technology, leaving you with limited to no competition?

2. Do their products have 3rd Party Validation? Have they passed any MIT or randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies? Or are they listed in peer reviewed scientific journals? Is their science taught in medical schools?
3. Are any of their products listed in the PDR for Nutritional Supplements?
4. Do they have a state of the art research and development lab?
5. Are they an established company with at least a 15 year track record?
6. Do their products have patents worldwide?
7. Are the products manufactured according to GMP Standards (Good Manufacturing Practices)?
8. Are they a member of the Direct Selling Association to prove they are a legitimate enterprise?
9. Are the products sold in numerous countries providing a seamless global compensation plan?
10. Do they offer a 100% Risk Free 6 month money back guarantee?
I have finally succeeded in finding a company that exceeds all this criteria. That company is Mannatech. It is the best affordable home based business opportunity I could find.
Mannatech and their 101 small business opportunity training have allowed me to continue to homeschool my children without financial worries. With my help as an Independent Mannatech® Associate and a proven system that works, you can, too!

But, would you like to know the best part? I have my health back. The superior wellness products that this company produces has changed my life. And without good health, nothing else matters.
Contact me for a free sample!

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