About Us
If you would have told me thirty years ago that I would be a homeschool mom, I would have answered, “No way!” But here I am, and would do it all over again!
Greetings, from our school room as we're busy studying.
Well, sort of.
In 2006 we were featured on the front page of our local newspaper, so we posed for it! But this is exactly how you would have found us on school mornings. Now, Laura and Emily (on the right) are attending college.

Should We?
When it came time for our eldest (Laura) to start school, we were apprehensive. Just the thought of it made me want to cry. You moms can relate! She was already reading, so did she really need kindergarten? She was close to her sister, Emily. Do we separate them?
We wondered what to do.
Starting The Homeschool Journey
After prayerful consideration and research, my husband Mark consented to let us try it for a year. He was not as crazy about the idea as I was, but he gave us the go ahead!
Now mind you, I have no college education. But I do know how to read and write! With tools in hand, we got through each school year. Always smarter than the year before!
Years Later
The years have proven it can be done, over 20 in fact. (That’s if you count Toddler Time!) We continue to benefit from our homeschooling experiences. From bonding together as a family to building a family business, the Homeschool Rewards are endless.
Read an Update! Dawn Morris from Moms Inspire Learning interviewed me (yes, me!) and posted it to her site. You can learn even more about us there. Or drop by our Wassup? page for our family's current activities...enjoy!
Shared Experiences
The pages of this website have been a labor of love. I trust you will find something to encourage you on your homeschool journey.
Join us. You, too, will take pride in the beauty and intelligence of your own children. ;o)
If you would like to read the featured article from the picture above, please
contact me.

May you experience many Homeschool Rewards.
Mark, Diane, Laura, Emily, Annette, and Garrett
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