Alpha Omega Homeschool Testimonials
Alpha Omega Curriculum Experiences
Honest parents share what it's like in these
Alpha Omega homeschool testimonials.
Are you looking for complete Bible based and accredited homeschool programs? You just may have found what you're looking for.
These parents and students really enjoy their Alpha Omega home school curriculum.
Who knows? Maybe someday your name will be added to this list!
One of our AWANA leaders used Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum for 14 years:
I liked it mostly because the children worked at their own pace. The teaching variety of matching, true/false, and reading with questions and answers, made learning more enjoyable. Even the computer version at the higher levels was easy to understand because of the simple and complete explanations.
Carolyn Olson

Horizons Preschool Testimonials
I just received the new preschool curriculum and it is exactly what I was looking for. The format is easy to follow and still allows for flexibility in the teaching style. The integrated way the lessons flow allows me to add other ideas and studies, but not detract from the overall lessons. This curriculum is absolutely awesome. The colorful pages and activities are very exciting. I'm so glad you developed this curriculum. It is unique! I looked at several different publishers before purchasing this one. It is by far the most teacher friendly course. An added benefit is that it is truly created for the preschooler and is not trying to push the child to do work at the kindergarten or first grade level. This builds up the child's self esteem and is a wonderful atmosphere for learning.
Elizabeth D.
Switched-On Schoolhouse (SOS)
Parent Testimonials
As a grandmother raising three grandchildren, I am so thankful for Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum. As the first day of school was getting closer and closer, I was feeling more and more sick thinking of my granddaughter entering middle school. I had substituted there so I knew what went on. The closer it came the sicker I felt. I finally told my husband I just couldn't send her because I felt like I was sending her to the lion's den. So he agreed to the idea of me homeschooling her. I decided if I was going to teach her I was going to teach her sister and brother too. Needless to say, with three different grades, I felt a little overwhelmed after a few weeks. One night I prayed for God to let me find a curriculum on CDs. The next day I found SOS. I read testimonials and studied the website. I was so excited. I bought the 3rd, 5th, and 6th grade CDs. It was the best thing I could have done. I am so totally satisfied and thankful for such a complete curriculum for my children. They are happy and say they are learning so much. And they ARE! And I love that they have Bible lessons first thing every day to start them off on the rest of their daily work. I could never have afforded to send the three of them to a Christian school. Now I know they are getting quality instruction, and when more is needed I can be right there. It's like having a private teacher help you teach your children. I thank God for you and will use and recommend SOS until Jesus comes back for us! Thank you from my heart and God bless.
Bonnie L.
North Carolina
I had already been homeschooling for nine years when a friend told me about the Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum. It couldn't have come at a better time. I had become so overwhelmed by the workload required to homeschool three children that I didn't know how I could keep going. The daily grading and weekly lesson-planning amounted to a 20-hour per week job....on top of time spent teaching and the normal schedule of a housewife and mother! I desperately needed a change.
Switching to 'SOS' was the best homeschooling decision I ever made! It has been six years since we made that change, and I will never go back! I will never go back to the hours of lesson-planning or to the tedious grading. I will never go back to wondering if my children are learning enough. I will never again wander vendor booths at homeschool conventions looking for 'the perfect curriculum'. I FOUND IT!
I began using the Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum because I thought it would be a great change for me; but it has turned out to be the best thing for my children, too. I've made a lot of mistakes during my fourteen years as a homeschooling mom, but switching to SOS was definitely NOT one of them!! I'm hoping that Switched-On Schoolhouse will be around to see me through my next fifteen years of homeschooling!
Linda D.
We are in our 14th year of home educating our five children. My husband has wanted us to use a traditional textbook approach to our schooling up until this point. This worked fairly well with the exception of a huge overload of bookkeeping for me. The problem increased significantly the last two years as our children moved up in their grades. It got to the point where I was completely stressed out and overwhelmed with all the grading. We were contemplating putting out children in private school even though the cost of that was a huge burden on us. The DAY BEFORE I had a scheduled visit to the school, the Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum catalog came in the mail. I could not believe my eyes as I read about SOS. It was everything we needed to be able to continue home educating our children. SOS was sent from heaven to our doorstep! We have been using the Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum with 3 students and I wish so much that we would have known about it earlier for our son who graduated last year. I had concerns about the children using the computer so much but we have had a wonderful experience and my children love seeing their grades every day--no more waiting for mom!! SOS has helped me enjoy teaching my children again. It has taken the dread out of a new day filled with yet more paperwork and stress. THANK YOU for creating such a wonderful, affordable curriculum!
Heidi W.
New Jersey
I am writing to tell you of the wonderful experience I have had with the your Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum. I began homeschooling my thirteen-year-old son when he was four years old and in preschool. We tried many methods, styles, and materials throughout the years. I always felt drawn to LIFEPAC and SOS materials. After prayerful consideration, we have spent two very happy and successful years using these materials. I have found the Switched-On Schoolhouse lessons to be engaging and interesting. Subjects that I would not have had the time or ability to teach him personally have been studied with confidence, creating an independent learner. The LIFEPACs have provided a means to systematically learn at a pace that is comfortable for him while completing the course work for the year. The well researched and presented information provide opportunities for understanding the content, while igniting an interest to learn more about the subject matter. The biblical integration has been a blessing to me and has strengthened my sons' knowledge and faith. I look forward to receiving my Daily Focus devotionals from AOP in my email and start my day with godly encouragement. Having AOP as my partner in my childrens' education has supported me and confirmed in my mind that I have the ability to homeschool my children throughout their high school years. Thank you for providing these excellent materials.
Mary Annthipie B.
New Jersey
Student Testimonials
What I like about Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum (SOS) is that I don't have to worry about forgetting to hand in my homework. It takes a ton of stress off my mom and my whole family, since we go on a lot of trips and we can do homework while traveling. I also like that no homework whatsoever is off the computer unless you as the parent tell your kid(s) to figure out problems on paper. I usually get done with each subject after 15-30 minutes because I can left-click on the mouse and click speak and the computer starts reading the lesson while I read along. I decided to write this because SOS is so fun. It is much, much easier for my mom and my family, and takes away all of the stress of not getting to spend much time together and having lots of homework. So if you are a Christian homeschooler and don't have enough time to help your kid(s) with homework and other things then I recommend you use Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum.
Autumn B.
Looking back now, as a graduating senior in college, I thank the Lord for two things about my high school education. The first is that He pushed my parents to homeschool me. The second is that they found Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum! For me as an active kid I loved that SOS was on the computer making it very interactive. Honestly, SOS made school a learning experience and not a chore! Each year I was in SOS, which was all of junior high and high school, SOS came up with new ideas for the program including games and videos which are the absolute sweetest especially in science. SOS helped my parents teach me the things I needed to know to give me the opportunities I have today. Will SOS prepare a student for college? Well, SOS was my primary curriculum and now I am true senior graduating college after 4 years with a B.S. in Accountancy and a 3.7 GPA. A major aspect of life and college that SOS teaches along with the parents is the responsibility of getting work done on your own initiative. Parents may not think about how a curriculum could teach students to operate within a schedule and plan work, yet SOS teaches these things through how the curriculum is designed. Whenever I meet a younger student who is using SOS I give them a high five and ask them what new features the program has because I absolutely loved it. Thank you Alpha Omega homeschool curriculum (SOS) designers and may the Lord richly bless your continued efforts to help parents give their children the best education which the Lord desires them to have.
Michael S.
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