Auto Repair Yourself
Do It Yourself Auto Repair
Have you ever wanted to be able to do a simple auto repair yourself?
With the rising costs of repairs, doing a car repair yourself is becoming more popular.
When I mentioned this idea to Mark, he said with a smirk, “What do you know about muffler bearings?” Somehow I figured he was pulling my leg. I mean really, what kind of a muffler needs a bearing? (What IS a bearing, anyhow!?) Had he asked if I knew where to replace the blinker fluid, I would have known for sure. But bearings had me thinking…
What do I know about auto repair? Nothing. I don’t think I could even change a tire!
With four drivers in the house, and one in the process, I thought it would be a good idea for us to learn a little more about what makes that car run and how to keep it running smoothly. That old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” rings true for automobiles, also. Imagine the money that could be saved just by doing a few simple checks under the hood!
So, where does one begin? I wanted something simple enough for my daughters to understand, yet, challenging enough for Garrett. (You never know just how far this auto repair yourself thing will go!)
I was introduced to Auto Upkeep. The author, Mike Gray, contacted me and asked if I would take a look at his Auto Upkeep Kit. What did I have to lose, but maybe a couple hours of research?
Well, that was time well spent. I now understand why over 300 schools nationwide are using this kit. In fact, it’s more popular in Wisconsin than any other sate, with over 40 schools using it!
Each chapter begins with fun Fuel for Thought questions that get answered throughout the chapter. You’ll find tips for purchasing the right tools to make your job easier.
Discover in the kit why you should go easy on the high-pressure washes. There are even 11 Tips for Improving Fuel Economy.
The manual is chocked full of ideas to save money. More money than what the kit costs!
I especially like the Common Problems chapter. I am a fan of books that are indexed, and this auto repair book goes beyond that. Not only is it indexed, but comes with 3 Appendixes and a Glossary. The workbook has Lab Activities and Study Questions.
Even if a repair should require an expert, at least you’ll be able to communicate effectively with the technician!
There is no better way to keep you and your family safe and your vehicle reliable.
The CD includes PowerPoint slides, chapter tests, exams, and answer keys. And if you’re looking to teach a class of homeschoolers (like a co-op), the Course Syllabus takes you through a 90 day teaching schedule, breaking it down day-by-day. What could be easier?
So, if you’re looking to do some auto repair yourself or for your homeschool teen, this kit can’t be beat. The Auto Upkeep Kit includes:
1 Auto Upkeep Textbook
1 Auto Upkeep Workbook
1 Homeschool Resource CD
Comes with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Auto Upkeep: Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair (Homeschool Paperback Text Curriculum Kit)
This kit fills the need for a homeschool elective
plus teaches a practical life skill that all drivers should know.
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