Age of Mythology

by Bill

Age of Mythology Titans Expansion

Age of Mythology Titans Expansion

Experience the mood of the gameplay using the special effects that Age of Mythology gives you. It is a very fun RTS game which anybody could play. Judging from the title it's about mythology. Basically there isn't much of a learning curve and the game play is very similar to Age of Kings with a few extra goodies to go with. Allows you to play as 9 civs in Age of Mythology: the Norse, Egyptians and Greeks each with 3 different major gods to choose from each with their own advantages. Then when the game begins you age-up by worshiping a minor god that will give you the option to train certain myth units and use a special god power. The Titans Expansion adds a new civ, the Atlantians and 3 new major gods to pick from. This also includes a new kind of unit, a titan. There is one titan for each civ, digging out a titan pretty much means you're going to win the game, as they are giants that wreck things with ease, and can shrug off most armies without taking much damage. The only thing to match a titan would be another titan or an exceptional military force. They also include wonders, that will begin a countdown when completed, if the wonder is still intact when the timer runs out, you win.

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I have this game!
by: Philip

Yeah, I have this game and I play it all the time, this is one of my favorites.

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