Saving Money On Groceries

Practical Money Saving Tips

I just love to share how we're saving money on groceries! You will be amazed how much your homeschool family will save by just following a few simple tips.
saving money on groceries Soup and Stews

I recently read a book by Jonni McCoy called Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two-Income Economy . In the book she says you can save hundreds of dollars a year if you eat homemade soup and bread once a week. That's really saving money on groceries, just by eating soup!

If you make a big meal like a roast, ham, turkey, or a whole chicken, you can freeze the left over meats. Most families have some sort of vegetable, and rice, potatoes or noodle handy at all times. I know I do anyway. You can make your own stock for pennies, or you can buy broth for only a few dollars.

Plus, homemade bread is amazing, from the smell to the taste. When you learn to make your own homemade bread you will never want to go back to the store bought brands. It only costs about a dollar to make and it's so much better for you. When I was searching for homemade bread recipes online I came across this article by a woman who said she bought two loaves of bread and had them on her counter for about 2 weeks before she went out of town for an additional 3 weeks. She came home to her bread sitting on her counter for a total of 5 weeks and nothing was wrong with it. It was not moldy or anything. She looked on the back label to read the ingredients and discovered that chemicals were added to keep it preserved. That is good for the food company, but not so great for your body.

Share your favorite soup and homemade bread recipe with us by adding it to Fun Easy Recipes for Kids.
saving money on groceries
Take up Hunting and Fishing

Hunting and fishing is not only great sport, but it's also great in filling up your freezer. It's healthy for you and you don't have to worry about any preservatives or chemicals. The meat is not farm raised.

It's also good for the environment. Let's say you caught one fish and took him home for your family to eat. Well all the food that the one fish was eating in that pond is now available for all the other fish to eat. If there weren't hunters or fishers out there, the fish would overpopulate that pond. They would all die because there wouldn't be enough food for them all.

Our daughter Riley's 1st fish!

Eat Seasonal Foods

Saving money on groceries can easily be done by just purchasing certain fruits and vegetables in season.

Winter: Apples, Brussels sprouts, Grapefruit, Coconuts, Mushrooms, Oranges, Pears, Sweet potatoes, Tangerines, yams.

Spring: Apricots, artichokes, asparagus, Broccoli, Collard Greens, Green beans, Honey dew, Mango, Oranges, Limes, Pea pods, Pineapples, Spinach, Watercress

Summer: Apricots, Beets, Bell Peppers, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Cucumbers, Egg plant, Garlic, Grapefruit, Grapes, Green beans, Green peas, Honey dew, Kiwi, Lima beans, Limes, Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Radishes, Raspberries, Strawberries, Sweet corn, Summer squash, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Zucchini

Autumn: Acorn Squash, Apples, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Butternut squash, Cauliflower, Celery, Cranberries, Garlic, Ginger, Grapes, Mushrooms, Pears, Pineapples, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes, Turnips, Winter squash, and Yams.

Stop Drinking Soft Drinks

I know soda can taste good, but the caffeine can be addicting. Not only is it bad for you, it's so expensive. My husband and I used to drink about a 24 pack of soda a week between the two of us. I've seen 12 packs of soda go for as much as $4.99 and 24 packs as much as $7.99. Well, I would never spend that kind of money on soda. I usually bought whatever was on sale which normally sold for about $3.00 a 12 pack and about $6.00 a 24 pack. But still, that is expensive! If I bought one 24 pack a week for $6.00 that would cost $24.00 dollars a month. That is $288.00 dollars a year. That is a pretty expensive for something to drink. I know people who drink more then a 24 pack a week.

Instead of soda, try drinking juice. We go through 2 bottles of juice a week. At about 2-3 dollars a bottle, it's still $4 to $6 a week. But, I would be buying it for my daughter anyway! Or you can make your own sweet iced tea. Buy a box of large tea packets! One tea packet will make a quart of tea. For a box of 24 tea packets it only costs $3.00. All you have to do is boil water, add tea packet, add sugar, mix and cool. A box of large tea packets lasts my family a month.

If you need your caffeine, think about drinking coffee. A can of coffee can range anywhere from $3-11. Depending on how much coffee you drink, a can may last you a week or two saving you $3.00 a week over soda.

The best idea for saving money on groceries would be to just drink water! Get a pitcher that has a filter, then refrigerate and fill your own reusable bottles. If you buy store brand bottle water it can cost almost the same price as soda. If water gets too plain, you can always add a piece of fruit to it to spruce it up!

Enjoy saving money on groceries!

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