Length of Instructional DVDs

Typically what's the length of instructional DVDs?

Jamie's Reply:

I'm not sure which instructional DVD you were referring to, so I'll cover both!

If you're referring to the initial informational one that ABeka has, it lasts around 30 minutes. Oftentimes, a representative from ABeka will visit a nearby city (typically in a hotel) and set it up with materials for you to view. That is what I did. You could also request one to be sent to you. It shows a child watching an Abeka DVD in the kitchen. It also demonstrates around 3 minutes of each of the different subjects.

But if you're referring to the length of instructional DVDs for the classroom, that is obviously a different story!

It will be different for each class, depending on the grade of each child. My 8th grader has shorter class-time because she does not have penmanship. On average, your student will spend 35-40 minutes per class each day. There are 7 classes (Bible, language, spelling, penmanship, science/health, history, and math) So, 7 X 40 = 280 minutes or 4-5 hours. Remember you're still going to have assignments or homework in addition to that.

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